
BabyFit NFT Mint by DEFIT


Dear DEFIT Community

The BabyFits are coming to life this month with the Genesis collection! Bringing a whole new level of fun and gamification to the DEFIT world.

This incredible collection will unlock our 3rd game mode: Web3 Player. A perfect blend of art + utility with a powerful concept (read more here). More than an NFT collection, it is a lifestyle.

General information

The total supply of the BabyFit Genesis collection is 1,500 and will be live on the Ethereum chain. Mint price will be around 0.2ETH but will not exceed $350USD.

Genesis BabyFits will come with lot of extra perks and benefits in addition to the core attributes. Valuing our early and loyal supporters is and will always remain a priority for us.

Key dates and mint process

Reminder: Our mint will be a whitelist only mint. If you haven’t got one yet hurry to join our discord here and find out how to get one.


DEFIT Team is organising a prelaunch party in Paris. This is an “invite only” event. If you’re in Paris and would like to join us please reach out to our team via discord here.

Event registration:

FRIDAY APRIL 21st — 23rd : 200 FREEMINT — 48 hours

Following our recent snapshot taken in-app on March 28th, if you were holding over 19 886 DEFIT tokens, you made it within the TOP 200 and are eligible for a free mint (note: you will still need to pay for the gas fees so make sure to have some ETH available in your wallet).

Free mint window will open on Friday 21st — 12PMUTC and will be available for 48 hours until Sunday 23rd — 12PM UTC.

Free BabyFit NFTs are meant to reward our community by giving them a pass to the web3 player mode when launched.

All free mint NFTs will have a 3 months lock period post reveal. It means you won’t be able to sell or transfer them before the end of the lock period.

Important note: It is your responsibility to claim your free mint during this period. Once time window is closed, no free mint will be possible and unclaimed tokens will be added to the Private sale pool.

TUESDAY APRIL 25th — 28th : 1,000 PRIVATE SALE — 72hours

Our presale of 1,000 Genesis BabyFit is a whitelist only mint.

All DEFIT Club Members will be automatically granted a guaranteed mint. If you do not have a whitelist spot yet we invite you to join our discord and follow our twitter to find out how to get one. Alternatively you can register on waitlist via our website:

Private presale mint window will open on Tuesday 25th — 12PM UTC and will be available for 72 hours until Friday 28th — 12PM UTC.

Here are the rules for the Private Sale:

Eligibility: whitelisted wallets only

Supply: 1000 NFT

Mint Price: 0.2 ETH ($350 maximum depending on ETH price)

Maximum mint per wallet: To Be Announced


Team will organise a live Youtube Reveal Party to celebrate this key milestone and share our excitement discovering our BabyFits stats and attributes.

The remaining 300 Genesis NFTs will be kept in treasury for future challenges and marketing activities.

Collection details

Our private sale include only genesis BabyFits at a fixed price cheaper than common BabyFits (non-genesis) that will later be available within our in-app and web marketplace. But that’s not all!

We have decided to throw in the mix of 1,200 no less than 239 BabyFits of higher Talent! Giving you 20% chance to mint one of higher tier. Here below is the split of Talent (rarity):

1 out of 5 chances to get at least an uncommon BabyFit is an opportunity to not miss. Talent will define the base attribute stats affecting your in game rewards and energy depletion.

In addition our BabyFit all have a sport specialty as follow:

What comes next?

The first playable features of web3 player mode will become available within Q2 2023. DEFIT plan to launch its own DEX and mobile/web NFT marketplace with all in-game assets available for trading in early Q3.

At this stage you will be able to choose the talent of the BabyFit you buy: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary with a starting price of $400 for the common ones.

Users will get the opportunity to buy BabyFit NFT with various currencies, including our own DEFIT native token.

So here we are! Few days left before the BabyFits comes to our world! If you are not already on our Discord, feel free to join the conversations there with the rest of the community and ask any questions you may have (link below). We look forward to seeing you there !

Follow us on all our social media platforms to get the latest updates.